--- title: "Frequently Asked Questions" author: "Aurélie Siberchicot, Stéphane Dray, Jean Thioulouse" date: '`r Sys.Date()`' output: html_vignette: number_sections: yes toc: yes vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Frequently Asked Questions} %!\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r} set.seed(2564) library(ade4) library(adegraphics) ``` # How to personalize plots ## How to update title axes? ```{r} df <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10,1), y = rep(1:10, each = 10), ms_li = runif(100, min = -5, max = 4)) s.value(df[, 1:2], df$ms_li, paxes.draw = TRUE) ``` ### Size titles on axes `xlab.cex` and `ylab.cex` manage the size titles on the `x` and `y` axes. ```{r} s.value(df[, 1:2], df$ms_li, paxes.draw = TRUE, xlab = "Longitude", xlab.cex = 0.5, ylab = "Latitude", ylab.cex = 0.5 ) ``` ### Size labels on axes `scales.x.cex` and `scales.y.cex` manage the sizes labels on the `x` and `y` axes. ```{r} s.value(df[, 1:2], df$ms_li, paxes.draw = TRUE, scales.x.cex = 0.5, scales.y.cex = 0.5 ) ``` ### Margin of axis `layout.heights = list(bottom.padding = 1)` manages the margin of the bottom axis. This enlarges the space for a larger title axis. ```{r} s.value(df[, 1:2], df$ms_li, paxes.draw = TRUE, xlab = "Longitude", xlab.cex = 2, ylab = "Latitude", ylab.cex = 2, layout.heights = list(bottom.padding = 2) ) ``` ## How to update label's boxes ? ```{r} x0 <- runif(50, -2, 2) y0 <- runif(50, -2, 2) s.label(data.frame(x0, y0)) ``` ### Remove boxes around labels ```{r} s.label(data.frame(x0, y0), plabels.boxes.border = 0) s.label(data.frame(x0, y0), plabels.boxes.draw = FALSE, ppoints.cex = 0) ``` ### Color of label's boxes ```{r} s.label(data.frame(x0, y0), plabels.boxes.col = "orange") ``` ### Border of label's boxes ```{r} s.label(data.frame(x0, y0), plabels.boxes.border = "blue", plabels.boxes.lwd = 2) ```