Package: adegraphics 1.0-22
adegraphics: An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data
Graphical functionalities for the representation of multivariate data. It is a complete re-implementation of the functions available in the 'ade4' package.
adegraphics.pdf |adegraphics.html✨
adegraphics/json (API)
# Install 'adegraphics' in R: |
install.packages('adegraphics', repos = c('', '')) |
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Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Jan 29 2025 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Jan 29 2025 |
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R-4.3-mac | OK | Jan 29 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Graphical objects for ade4 functions (and more) | adegraphics-package adegraphics |
Superpose an new 'ADEg' graph to the previous ones plotted | add.ADEg add.ADEg-methods |
Adds histograms and density lines against a bi-dimensional graphics. | addhist addhist,ADEg.S2-method addhist-methods |
Adds lines on graphics. | addline addline,ADEg-method addline,ADEgS-method addline-methods |
Adds points on graphics. | addpoint addpoint,ADEg-method addpoint,ADEgS-method addpoint-methods |
Adds segments on graphics. | addsegment addsegment,ADEg-method addsegment,ADEgS-method addsegment-methods |
Adds labels on graphics. | addtext addtext,ADEg-method addtext,ADEgS-method addtext,trellis-method addtext-methods |
Class 'ADEg' | add.ADEg,ADEg-method ADEg ADEg-class getcall,ADEg-method getlatticecall getlatticecall,ADEg-method getparameters getparameters,ADEg-method getstats getstats,ADEg-method getstats-methods gettrellis gettrellis,ADEg-method gettrellis-methods panelbase panelbase,ADEg-method panelbase-methods plot,ADEg,ANY-method plot,ADEg-method print,ADEg-method printSuperpose,ADEgORtrellis,ADEgORtrellis-method show,ADEg-method update,ADEg update,ADEg-method |
Class 'ADEg.C1' | ADEg.C1 ADEg.C1-class gettrellis,ADEg.C1-method panelbase,ADEg.C1-method prepare,ADEg.C1-method setlatticecall,ADEg.C1-method |
Panel function for adding histograms. | adeg.panel.hist |
Panel function for joining lines. | adeg.panel.join |
Panel function for adding labels. | adeg.panel.label |
Panel functions for adding graphs. | adeg.panel.edges adeg.panel.nb |
Panel function for adding spatial objects. | adeg.panel.Spatial |
Panel function drawing a third variable into a two-dimensional scatterplot | adeg.panel.values |
Class 'ADEg.S1' | ADEg.S1 ADEg.S1-class gettrellis,ADEg.S1-method panelbase,ADEg.S1-method prepare,ADEg.S1-method setlatticecall,ADEg.S1-method |
Class 'ADEg.S2' | ADEg.S2 ADEg.S2-class gettrellis,ADEg.S2-method panelbase,ADEg.S2-method prepare,ADEg.S2-method setlatticecall,ADEg.S2-method |
Class 'ADEg.T' | ADEg.T ADEg.T-class gettrellis,ADEg.T-method panelbase,ADEg.T-method prepare,ADEg.T-method setlatticecall,ADEg.T-method |
Class '"ADEg.Tr"' | ADEg.Tr ADEg.Tr-class gettrellis,ADEg.Tr-method panelbase,ADEg.Tr-method prepare,ADEg.Tr-method setlatticecall,ADEg.Tr-method |
Handling ADEg graphical parameters | adegpar |
Creation of 'ADEgS' objects | ADEgS |
Class '"ADEgS"' | $,ADEgS-method ADEgS-class getcall,ADEgS-method getgraphics getgraphics,ADEgS-method getpositions getpositions,ADEgS-method length,ADEgS-method names,ADEgS-method names<-,ADEgS,character-method plot,ADEgS,ANY-method plot,ADEgS-method print,ADEgS-method show,ADEgS-method update,ADEgS update,ADEgS-method [,ADEgS,numeric,missing,logical-method [,ADEgS,numeric,missing,missing-method [[,ADEgS,character,missing-method [[,ADEgS,numeric,missing-method [[<-,ADEgS,numeric,missing,ADEg-method [[<-,ADEgS,numeric,missing,ADEgS-method |
Class 'C1.barchart' | C1.barchart C1.barchart-class panel,C1.barchart-method prepare,C1.barchart-method |
Class 'C1.curve' | C1.curve C1.curve-class C1.curves C1.curves-class panel,C1.curve-method panel,C1.curves-method prepare,C1.curve-method |
Class 'C1.density' | C1.density C1.density-class panel,C1.density-method prepare,C1.density-method |
Class 'C1.dotplot' | C1.dotplot C1.dotplot-class panel,C1.dotplot-method prepare,C1.dotplot-method |
Class 'C1.gauss' | C1.gauss C1.gauss-class panel,C1.gauss-method prepare,C1.gauss-method |
Class 'C1.hist' | C1.hist C1.hist-class panel,C1.hist-method prepare,C1.hist-method |
Class 'C1.interval' | C1.interval C1.interval-class panel,C1.interval-method prepare,C1.interval-method |
Combine 'ADEg' objects by columns or rows | cbindADEg cbindADEg,ADEgORADEgSORtrellis,ADEgORADEgSORtrellis-method cbindADEg-methods rbindADEg rbindADEg,ADEgORADEgSORtrellis,ADEgORADEgSORtrellis-method rbindADEg-methods |
Change the 'lattice' theme used for 'adegraphics' | changelatticetheme |
Method for 'ADEg' and 'ADEgS' objects | getcall getcall-methods |
Insert a graphic into an existing one | insert insert,ADEgORtrellis,ADEg-method insert,ADEgORtrellis,ADEgS-method insert,ADEgORtrellis,missing-method insert,ADEgS,ADEg-method insert,ADEgS,ADEgS-method insert,ADEgS,missing-method insert-methods |
Transform a layout matrix into a position one | layout2position |
Methods 'panel' for 'ADEg' objects | panel panel-methods |
Methods to display the outputs of an analysis performed with 'ade4' | biplot biplot.dudi kplot kplot.foucart kplot.mbpcaiv kplot.mcoa kplot.mfa kplot.pta kplot.sepan kplot.statis kplotsepan.coa plot plot.acm plot.bcaloocv plot.betcoi plot.betdpcoa plot.betrlq plot.between plot.betwitdpcoa plot.coinertia plot.discloocv plot.discrimin plot.dpcoa plot.fca plot.foucart plot.krandboot plot.krandxval plot.mcoa plot.mfa plot.multiblock plot.multispati plot.niche plot.pcaiv plot.procuste plot.pta plot.randboot plot.randxval plot.rlq plot.sepan plot.statis plot.witcoi plot.witdpcoa plot.within plot.witrlq scatter scatter.coa scatter.dudi scatter.nipals scatter.pco score score.acm score.mix score.pca screeplot screeplot.dudi |
Display the decomposition of inertia which measure the contributions of rows/columns in mutivariate methods | plot.inertia score.inertia |
Plot a barchart of eigen values | plotEig |
Methods 'prepare' for 'ADEg' objects | prepare prepare-methods |
2-D scatter plot with arrows | s.arrow |
2-D scatter plot with a partition in classes (levels of a factor) | s.class |
Correlation circle | s.corcircle |
2-D scatter plot with kernel density estimation | s.density |
2-D scatter plot with means/standard deviations computed using an external table of weights | s.distri |
2-D scatter plot with loess estimation of an additional numeric score (levelplot) | s.image |
2-D scatter plot with labels | s.label |
2-D scatter plot with logos (bitmap objects) | s.logo |
2-D scatter plot of the matching between two sets of coordinates | s.match |
Mapping of a Spatial* object | s.Spatial |
2-D scatter plot with trajectories | s.traject |
2-D scatter plot with proportional symbols (bubble plot) | s.value |
Class 'S1.boxplot' | panel,S1.boxplot-method prepare,S1.boxplot-method S1.boxplot S1.boxplot-class setlatticecall,S1.boxplot-method |
Class 'S1.class' | panel,S1.class-method prepare,S1.class-method S1.class S1.class-class |
Class 'S1.distri' | panel,S1.distri-method prepare,S1.distri-method S1.distri S1.distri-class |
Class 'S1.label' | panel,S1.label-method prepare,S1.label-method S1.label S1.label-class |
Class 'S1.match' | panel,S1.match-method prepare,S1.match-method S1.match S1.match-class |
1-D plot of a numeric score by bars | s1d.barchart |
1-D box plot of a numeric score partitioned in classes (levels of a factor) | s1d.boxplot |
1-D plot of a numeric score partitioned in classes (levels of a factor) | s1d.class |
1-D plot of a numeric score linked by curves | s1d.curve |
1-D plot of multiple scores linked by curves | s1d.curves |
1-D plot of a numeric score by density curves | s1d.density |
1-D plot of a numeric score by means/standard deviations computed using an external table of weights | s1d.distri |
1-D plot of a numeric score by dots | s1d.dotplot |
1-D plot of a numeric score by Gaussian curves | s1d.gauss |
1-D plot of a numeric score by bars | s1d.hist |
1-D plot of the interval between two numeric scores | s1d.interval |
1-D plot of a numeric score with labels | s1d.label |
1-D plot of the matching between two numeric scores | s1d.match |
Class 'S2.arrow' | panel,S2.arrow-method prepare,S2.arrow-method S2.arrow S2.arrow-class |
Class 'S2.class' | panel,S2.class-method prepare,S2.class-method S2.class S2.class-class |
Class 'S2.corcircle' | panel,S2.corcircle-method prepare,S2.corcircle-method S2.corcircle S2.corcircle-class |
Class 'S2.density' | panel,S2.density-method prepare,S2.density-method S2.density S2.density-class |
Class 'S2.distri' | panel,S2.distri-method prepare,S2.distri-method S2.distri S2.distri-class |
Class 'S2.image' | panel,S2.image-method prepare,S2.image-method S2.image S2.image-class |
Class 'S2.label' | panel,S2.label-method prepare,S2.label-method S2.label S2.label-class |
Class 'S2.logo' | panel,S2.logo-method prepare,S2.logo-method S2.logo S2.logo-class |
Class 'S2.match' | panel,S2.match-method prepare,S2.match-method S2.match S2.match-class |
Class 'S2.traject' | panel,S2.traject-method prepare,S2.traject-method S2.traject S2.traject-class |
Class 'S2.value' | panel,S2.value-method prepare,S2.value-method S2.value S2.value-class |
Computes limits for 1D and 2D displays. | setlimits1D setlimits2D |
Sort a sequence of graphical parameters | sortparamADEg sortparamADEgS |
Superpose two graphics | +,ADEg,ADEg-method +,ADEg,ADEgS-method +,ADEgS,ADEg-method +-methods superpose superpose,ADEgORtrellis,ADEgORtrellis,ANY,ANY-method superpose,ADEgS,ADEgORtrellis,missing,ANY-method superpose,ADEgS,ADEgORtrellis,numeric,ANY-method superpose,ADEgS,ADEgORtrellis,numeric,logical-method superpose,ADEgS,ADEgS,missing,ANY-method superpose-methods \S4method{+}{ADEg} |
Class 'T.cont' | panel,T.cont-method T.cont T.cont-class |
Class 'T.image' | panel,T.image-method prepare,T.image-method T.image T.image-class |
Class 'T.value' | panel,T.value-method prepare,T.value-method T.value T.value-class |
Heat map-like representation with colored cells | table.image |
Heat map-like representation with proportional symbols | table.value |
Class 'Tr.class' | panel,Tr.class-method prepare,Tr.class-method Tr.class Tr.class-class |
Class 'Tr.label' | panel,Tr.label-method prepare,Tr.label-method Tr.label Tr.label-class |
Class 'Tr.match' | panel,Tr.match-method prepare,Tr.match-method Tr.match Tr.match-class |
Class 'Tr.traject' | panel,Tr.traject-method prepare,Tr.traject-method Tr.traject Tr.traject-class |
Ternary plot with a partition in classes (levels of a factor) | triangle.class |
Ternary plot with labels | triangle.label |
Ternary plot of the matching between two sets of coordinates | triangle.match |
Ternary plot with trajectories | triangle.traject |
Zoom in or out | zoom zoom,ADEg.S1,numeric,missing-method zoom,ADEg.S1,numeric,numeric-method zoom,ADEg.S2,numeric,missing-method zoom,ADEg.S2,numeric,numeric-method zoom-methods |